Dog Hotel

Central Bark offers a boutique hotel stay exclusively for our doggy day care clients. Unlike traditional boarding facilities, we don’t have singular runs or outdoor kennels. Our hotel is combined with our doggy daycare, which means during your dogs hotel stay they will spend their day in their usual doggy daycare park with all of their dog and human friends, and after an enrichment filled day they will return to their hotel suite when it's time for dinner and bed! 

The hotel has a climate-controlled air purification system, ensuring your dog’s comfort no matter what the season.  We also provide complimentary high quality dog biscuits.

We have a staff apartment on site and the night team will ensure the pups all settled into the hotel with complimentary cuddles and pats, and a sleepy time playlist at lights out.

In the morning, your pups will have breakfast served in their hotel suite before heading to their day park to see their friends and start another fun filled day!

We offer boutique hotel stays exclusively for regular doggy daycare clients. For first-time boarders at the dog hotel, a trial night is required. New Clients can enrol by booking a First Day Assessment.

Book your Hotel Stay

Current clients can log in and start making bookings now.

For New Clients, select Sign Up to start the enrolment procedure!